Healing Vine


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Healing Vine

Size: 25 ml

Healing Vine, is considered the most significant teacher plant. The vine is a female plant and grows abundantly in the lush Amazon rainforest of Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and Brazil. It has been used for thousands of years by various South American tribes in the Amazon region.

The vine can facilitate a connection with the divine that permeates everything, the wisdom of mother earth, and the wisdom within ourselves.

Can contribute to a sense of well-being and reduces anxiety and tension.

Precautions when Healing Vine Extract:

  • Not intended for human consumption.
  • This product may affect your ability to drive, so refrain from driving until you are aware of your optimal dosage (“sweet spot”).
  • Avoid use during pregnancy and lactation.
  • It is not suitable for children under 18 years of age.
  • Should not be combined with certain medications such as heart medications, antidepressants, and other psychopharmaceuticals. Consult your doctor if you are taking such medications.
  • If you experience side effects such as headaches, adjusting your diet may help alleviate them.
  • If you have mental disorders, consult your doctor or therapist before using the product.